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How Long Is a Cat Pregnant?

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Many times, pet parents don’t know about their cat’s pregnancy until her due dates knock on the door. It’s not your fault that you couldn’t trace earlier about her pregnancy.

As we know, cats are experts at hiding symptoms, health-related issues, or something, so they generally don’t display many signs.

To clear your doubts regarding when she is expecting? How long is a cat pregnant?

We have done some footwork and here pen down our knowledge to share it with you, which will help you out to take care of your feline pal during this delicate time.

It’s a precious/emotional time for both of you.

how long is a cat pregnant

For How Long Cats Can Be Pregnant?

How long is a cat pregnant? The majority of the pet parent’s mind has popup this question. Generally, a cats’ pregnancy period lasts for 9 weeks, it solely depends on the cat’s health.

Felines are experts at hiding symptoms, health issues, they don’t display the sign easily. So there are higher chances that you might know just before the due date, or if you are lucky enough to notice after three weeks of her pregnancy. So it gives a short span of time for you to plan about her diet and prepare yourself to welcome new members to the family.

for how long can cats be pregnant

How long are cats pregnant in months?

The cat gestation period is two months. Cats stay pregnant for 2 months. Usually, a feline can have kittens when they are only 24 weeks old. Often, a cat won’t display signs of pregnancy until the last week of the first month into the term.

How long are cats pregnant in weeks?

The cat gestation period is nine weeks. Cats stay pregnant for 9 weeks. Usually, a feline can have kittens when they are only 6 months old. Often, a cat won’t display signs of pregnancy until three to four weeks into the term.

How long are cats pregnant in days?

The cat gestation period is between 63 to 67 days. Cats stay pregnant for 63 to 67 days. Usually, a feline can have kittens when they are only 180 days old. Often, a cat won’t display signs of pregnancy before 21days into the term.

If you don’t want to miss those moments and want to get the knowledge beforehand. We have a solution for you, in the following paragraph, we have covered the points related to the sign that you will be able to detect after two-three weeks of your kitty pregnancy as they will start showing you those symptoms.

Signs That Your Cat Is Pregnant

As we have an idea that cats are experts at hiding their health issues, due to which many a time, pet parents find out about their felines’ pregnancy after a few weeks.

However, we have listed a few symptoms for your better knowledge that might help you to observe when your kitty is expecting new life.

Morning Sickness

In your feline pal’s early stage of pregnancy, you will notice morning sickness symptoms. In which she doesn’t feel like eating anything, or she will vomit out.

morning sickness in pregnant cats

These symptoms will not remain for a longer time during pregnancy but in any case, you observe that after a few weeks also she is having morning sickness then it’s recommended to consult her vet and start medication accordingly.


Similarly, like humans, your feline pal also goes through the vomiting phase during her pregnancy, it’s just like morning sickness.

vomiting in pregnant cats

During these tough times observe your kitty and if you find that she is vomiting frequently then consult her vet immediately because that may lead to some health complications.

Weight Gain

Cat starts gaining weight, not much but around a pound, and her appetite also increases. So by observing her weight and diet, you can identify that she is pregnant.

weight gain in pregnant cats

A piece of advice for you, during pregnancy, try to avoid rubbing or touching your kitty’s stomach because they don’t like it, and you might create discomfort for both mother and babies.

Nipples Darkening

After three weeks you can notice your feline pal’s nipple, it will start changing its color and enlarge.

nipples darkening in pregnant cats

Darkening of nipples also known as pinking-up is one of the signs that indicate your kitty is expecting.

Trimesters of Cat Pregnancy

Your feline friend undergoes three trimesters during her pregnancy phase, each stage plays an important role in the development of kittens.

trimesters of cat pregnancy

In the following paragraphs, we have covered the points regarding the different pregnancy phases of your kitty.

Scroll down to get the answer to your question, how long is a cat pregnant?

Pre-Implantation: Days 0 – 12 | 0 – 2 Weeks

At this first stage of your feline pregnancy, in the uterine tube, the eggs get fertilized first and then enter the uterus on the sixth day of pregnancy. This process takes place within the first week of pregnancy for the development of the egg into a fetus.

Embryogenesis: Days 12 – 24 | 3 – 4 Weeks

It takes place between 12-24 days of pregnancy, this stage is very crucial because during this time babies’ main organs develop like blood vessels, the spine, heart, nervous system, the digestive part, lungs, the skull, etc.

During this time take more precautions for your feline pal, feed them healthy food for better development of babies.

Fetal Growth: Days 24 – birth | 4 – Birth Weeks

In the final stage of your kitty’s pregnancy, all the body organs start to function and take the proper shape. It’s the time when fetuses turn into kittens, and they are ready to see the new world.

During this time you can also see changes in your feline pal’s body language and shape, such as their breast will get large, she will start experiencing milky fluid from her nipples, etc.

It’s time to welcome new members to your family.

When Cat Goes Into Labor?

So far we have got fruitful knowledge regarding cats pregnancy, now It’s easy to identify when your kitty is pregnant and what will be the symptoms or conditions during her trimesters period.

Now the question arises when your kitty is going into labor? So my friend, just like humans, felines also have symptoms and labor pain before having babies.

when does cat goes into labor

After her pregnancy duration, start observing your feline pal’s activities, behavior because as her labor date comes closer she will start isolating herself, stop eating.

Furthermore, her body temperature will drop the day before her labor and she will start having her abdominal contractions and just before giving birth, they will also start releasing discharge from their body.

Generally, felines don’t need a vet for giving birth to their babies but in any case, you find that your kitty has not given birth and if a black blood-colored discharge is coming then immediately consult her vet to avoid complications.


Hopefully, you enjoyed reading our blog, and we were able to serve you the fruitful information regarding how long is a cat pregnant? Apart from time duration, we have covered some facts regarding feline pregnancy.

Symptoms/signs that you might have noticed but could track, and also gives you an idea when to visit her vet to avoid complications. So now you can easily trace it when your kitty is expecting new life and get ready to welcome the bundle of joys.

You can even share this article with your friends whose kitty is expecting, and help them to smartly handle their kitty’s pregnancy period.


  1. Cat pregnancy — International Cat Care
  2. Pregnancy and parturition in cats — VCA
  3. Caring for your pregnant cat — Cats Protection

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