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How to Tell If Your Cat Has Fleas

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Felines consistently act mystifyingly, and here and there we can’t be certain what’s at the forefront of her thoughts. They groom themselves continually and pursue imperceptible things out of the blue. So how to tell that if your cat has fleas and that’s what’s making her do such peculiar things?

And if that’s the case then you better pick up the pace since flea infestation is dreadful and whenever left untreated can pose some serious health problems to your feline and sometimes, it can end up being deadly.

That is the exact opposite thing you’d need, so right away, how about we begin. Here’s the manner by which you can tell if your feline has fleas.

Signs That Your Cat Has Fleas

Fleas are pesky little pests that can cause a ton of problems. Cats always love to groom themselves so even if your cat is carrying fleas it could be hard to find them, considering those annoying insects can jump high. There are certain signs that can assure you if your feline is having fleas or not.

Signs that your Cat has Fleas

Itching and Scratching too much

Fleas cannot always be the cause of itching but if you find that your kitty is bending herself way much than she used to just to scratch then it might be a sign that she has picked up fleas. Flea bites are itchy, like insanely itchy, so they might be the cause for all the crazy itching.

She might start to scratch furiously or chew her skin to try to get rid of that itchiness. Fleas are not easy to find, and they might be present on your feline’s body.


Now, cats always groom themselves but if your kitty is doing it most of the time and cannot stop it, then it might be an indication that your cat is facing fleas. Licking helps to provide some relief to the itchy area and so it might be the cause for excessive grooming.

Mood Swing

Cats are always changing their moods but if yours is dealing with fleas then be prepared. She might go wild and rub her all over the floor, she will get restless, she might start to growl more. Fleas can drive cats crazy, after all, they are pretty annoying to live with. So if your feline is going all mad then it might be the fleas that are literally making her uncomfortable.

Signs of Fleas

If there are fleas running and feeding over your kitten’s body then there are certain signs that include red skin, small bumps most on the back or on the neck, hair loss especially at a certain area, broken and short hair, sore areas, scabs, and white grains of sands on their fur.


If your cat is avoiding certain spots or places in your home even though she used to love it then it might be another sign that somewhere near that area are those pesky insects. Mostly fleas will hide in the carpets or similar soft places and that’s where they will multiply and grow. So it is a good place to start your flea inspection.


This is the last and dangerous sign. If your cat has suddenly become more exhausted and tired, then it could be because of tons of fleas sucking her blood. Quickly check for pale gums and muscle loss. These could be a sign of anemia and weakness.

It could be because of fleas on your cat. Irrespective. Make sure to visit your vet in this case.

How to Check for Fleas on Cats

Now that we know what is causing your cat to suddenly behave weirdly. Let’s look at how can you catch these annoying little bugs. Grab your little furball and get ready with a white cloth/sheet as well as a flea comb.

How to Check for Fleas on Cats

Comb your kitties’ fur from the top to the tail including armpits and anywhere you think the fleas could have hidden. Make sure that you’re combing the whole body, as fleas can jump high. They can also pretty much hide anywhere on the body. Flea combs are designed to capture the fleas and their eggs without letting them escape.

Once you’ve gathered the dirt from the comb, scrutinize it and look if you find anything that is weird or out of place. Shake the comb on the white cloth and sheet, then sprinkle some water over it, so if there is anything related to fleas then it will turn red, orange, or brown. Or you will find them jumping over the white cloth since it is easy to spot them there.

Prevention of Fleas

Fleas are highly reproductive in nature, so they will multiply fast once they’ve selected their target. What’s more, you will not find them on your cat as they are really fast and small. This also makes them hard to spot. Add the dark fur of your cat to the equation it becomes almost impossible to find them. But since we know that cat is having fleas, here are some preventive measures.

Vacuuming cat hair

Vacum Daily

The places where there is a lot of soft material like bed, carpet, furniture, and pet toys are where these annoying jumping bugs hide the most. The same is the case with a cat’s hair and coat, it is not only their hideout spot but also the dining heaven.

Hence, make sure to vacuum these areas daily along with your cat’s coat, so even if they are hiding, you can easily blow them out and stop their reproduction.

Wash Your Furball

Make sure to bathe your little kitty often that too with soap and medicated shampoo (definitely with the ones specially made for the cats) that prevent as well as kills the flea infestation. The shampoo also serves to forestall any further formation of fleas on her body.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice mixed with water is a natural deterrent for fleas. So you can opt to rub lemon juice on the coat of your kitty or store it in a spray bottle and can splash it on her body. Make sure to apply behind the back and areas where fleas hide the most such as behind ears, armpits, tails, and so forth.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This thing acts as a natural repellant for fleas. Although apple cider vinegar doesn’t kill fleas but forestalls them to be on your feline’s fur. You can mix some in the water bowl of your cat, if she doesn’t like the taste then you can add them in smaller amounts so that they can get used to the new flavor.


If you are not thinking about some home treatment and looking for products then it is probably best to avoid sprays and powder. They are rather obsolete and can cause illness if ingested. Spot-ons are the best product to turn for if you want to kill these annoying bugs. They are generally in liquid form which can be applied on the back of your cat and can also kill them. With that being said, if you do end up opting for spot-on then make sure to get it approved by your vet.

Not to Get Confused With Cat Allergies

Don’t confuse yourself with flea dermatitis allergy, as your cat can be suffering from different types of allergies. Most of the allergic reactions developed in cats show signs such as excessive itching, biting, scratching, runny eyes, coughing, sneezing, diarrhea, itchy ears, and red skin. Although some of these symptoms may seem similar to a flea allergy, however, we’ve already discussed the symptoms for that.

Environmental Allergies

The main reason for environmental allergies is caused either indoors or outdoors. Outdoor allergies are mainly caused by pollen, grasses, ragweed, tree, and fleas. As for indoor allergies, it could be due to cotton, wool, dust mites, smoke especially cigarette smoke, perfumes, chemicals, rubber, and so forth.

To avoid that make sure to not let your pet go outdoors alone and reduce the amount of time they spend. Make sure to shower your kitty regularly to wash away the allergens and clean her skin. For that visit your vet and get a specified shampoo for your kitten. If you cannot bathe your kitten regularly, use foot soaks to get rid of the bacteria hiding especially in their feet and nails.

Food Allergies

As a pet owner, you might be aware of the food your kitten likes and dislikes. Generally, the most common allergy-causing food for cats includes beef, wheat, corn, pork, and chicken. So if you find that your pet is reactive to a certain food then the best way to figure out is by eliminating diet. You have to consult your vet and get a veterinary diet that has limited ingredients.


Can humans get fleas from cats?

No, fleas cannot live on human skin as they can on the cat. With that being said, you can also get bitten by them which might cause some itchiness and uncomfortability.

What do fleas look like?

Fleas are small little wingless insects that are really fast, so you might not find them on your furry companion’s skin. They are about 1/8 inches in length and look brown or sometimes reddish-black if they sucked a lot of blood.

Where do fleas hide on cats?

Fleas tend to hide on the back, under nails, under the neck, and underside regions of cats. They generally lay their eggs somewhere else while they hide on your kitty.

Should I take my cat to vet for fleas?

Yes, whether fleas or not, if your feline is suffering from some sort of problem then it is best to take her to the vet. Never try any products or medical treatments without the confirmation of your vet. Remember that these little pesky parasites can live on your cat for months and keeping sucking blood which is the last you’d want.

The Verdict

Fleas are annoying little insects causing annoying problems both to you and your feline. It is likely best to evade them or probably they will make your feline insane. So in light of the fact that you can’t see one on your feline, it doesn’t imply that they are absent.

If she is out of nowhere more forceful and fretful, likewise scratching like a crazy person then it very well may be conceivable that she is managing some troublesome fleas. Fleas easily reproduce while hiding on your feline’s fur. And when it comes to fleas, time involves significance. They may be just babies but within a few days, they will be full grown blood-sucking fleas. So without wasting more time get your fleas inspection started.

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