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9 Reasons Why Cats Sleep So Much!

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Do you know on average most feline sleep 15 hours a day? And, kittens and older cats tend to sleep even more!

Generally, the cat sleeps longer if they are sick or if the weather is too cozy. But, there are many other reasons why cats sleep so much!

If they are under stress or tired she will sleep more. Sometimes, they sleep to recharge themselves. But, in case if there is a change in her behavior then it can be because she is not well, and therefore she is sleeping to comfort herself.

reasons why cats sleep so much

Why Is My Cat Always Sleeping?

Your feline friend will spring into action during the night because of hunting genes living inside them, and thus she will sleep in the day.

The climate condition can also decide her sleeping call. Check if your cat is healthy or not under stress because it can also be one of the reasons why cats sleep so much.

1. Is She Under Stress?

Your kitty is under stress yes you read it right!

Cats, particularly when they are inactive, can experience stress and anxiety. Cats may sleep a lot as a result of this.

They usually get tense if their schedules are modified. Else when you have changed your home or someone in the family is missing or died, or she is left alone for a longer period of time.

To cope with her anxiety and stress your pet will basically sleep a lot. It will help her deal with all the tension.

If it is the case then you must take her to the vet and look into the matter.

2. She Might Not Be Well

If your cat sleeps too much it is a sign that she is not well. Maybe she is taking some rest to feel better.

Other than that if she is sleeping way much it signifies that she is definitely uncomfortable. Something is bothering her or she is in pain.

In case your cat is suffering from obesity then walking a lot around could be painful for her, so she will become less active, and thus she will sleep to get better.

Obesity is a serious health concern that can lead to a variety of other serious health issues in the future. Therefore, if your cat is unwell make sure to seek veterinary help to keep her healthy.

why does my cat sleep so much

3. To Revive Her Energy

Just chill there is nothing much to worry about because your cat sleeping much can be because she is restoring her energy cycle.

Predators revitalize their energy by resting they will sleep to collect all the energy so that they can hunt will all force.

4. Maybe She Is Tired and Bored!

Nothing to be worried about because another reason why cats sleep so much is simply that she is tired guys!

Just like we humans have no work and are bored what do we do? We sleep Lol, isn’t it?

Cats also do the same. If your cat is tired she will simply sleep to rip off boredom. Well, to kill her boredom you can get her interesting toys to keep her busy, take her outdoor for a walk, or simply spend some time with her.

5. Is Your Feline Friend Nocturnal?

Even if your cat is domestic still her roots belong to the wild family. They were predators and like all predators, if some genes are still left in them then your domesticated cat may also hunt during twilight hours as they are crepuscular. Basically, they are active at night time.

why are cats always sleeping

So, she may chase for prey in your house through the night, and therefore she may sleep all day long in the morning.

6. It Is Not Sleep It’s Cat Nap!

Yes, it’s a cat nap and not deep sleep! While roaming around the room you may often witness your cat closing her eyes now then. But, let me tell you something you are assuming is all wrong.

This is because your cat isn’t sleeping she is simply taking a quick nap. She will attain deep sleep in 5 minutes later she will start dozing again. This is because of their natural survival instincts their brain tends to have rapid movement.

7. Trying to Keep Her Cool

Stray cats when feeling hot they used to sleep in a certain place to grasp cooling from the soil to maintain their body temperature.

Similarly, your feline may also feel too hot and will tend to sleep to conserve her energy and to seek pleasure.

8. She Enjoys Resting in Bed

Your cat may love to snooze especially when the climate is rainy and gloomy. So, the weather also decides your cat’s sleep.

Just like we don’t feel like working on rainy days. We may ditch our projects to lay in the bed all day long feel cozy. Similarly, cats also feel the same and their behavior can change according to a weather call.

is it normal for my cat to sleep all day

9. Sleeping Pattern Matters

Deep sleep is important for you and for your cat as well. It helps to keep their immunity strong and prepares their body to fight against all problems.

Cats, on average, require 20 hours of rest and sleep in a single day, and this is typical. Adult cats require even more sleep, therefore sleep patterns may differ from one to the next.

And, if you don’t get enough sleep, it can bother some because your cat sleeps a lot more than you do.

So, the reason why cats sleep too much can be because you may not sleep for long. You may not have long sleeping habits! Hahaha, yes you may notice that your cat is sleeping excessively as a result of this.

Well, That’s a Wrap!

The reasons, why cats sleep so much, is because they are ill in that case you must talk to the veterinarian. Other than that she may sleep longer because of the different sleeping patterns, or she is just trying to recharge herself.

Sometimes we may think she is sleeping, but it might be a quick nap. Felines also sleep on the ground to keep themselves cool this is especially during summer days.

Because cats are most active at dawn and dusk, they may snooze during the day. Also, if you have other reasons why cats sleep so much comment down below.


  1. The sleeping habit of cats — The Ohio State University
  2. Older cats sleep more — Cornell University
  3. 3 Ways to Tell if Your Cat is Bored — Meow Box

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