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Why Is My Cat Pooping on the Floor?

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Generally, felines like to bury their waste, so the litter box should be their favorite place to do their business.

However, sometimes cats might poop on the floor, and this unusual behavior creates confusion in pet parents’ minds.

If kittens do then still it is understood, that she is not habituated with the litter tray.

But if adult cats start pooping on the floor, then it’s a matter of concern for pet parents.

We have covered some possible theories behind why is my cat pooping on the floor?

Also, highlighted solutions that might give you a clear understanding of your feline’s situation.

why is my cat pooping on the floor

Possible Reasons Behind Your Cat Pooping Outside the Litter Tray

We have done some footwork behind your feline unusual behavior and shortlisted some reasons that will help you to understand the theory behind why is my cat pooping on the floor?

1. Your Feline Litter Box Is Dirty

Cats are very hygienic creatures, they like to keep themselves as well as their surroundings clean and hygienic.

So, if you are not keeping her litter tray clean, there is a high possibility that your feline will avoid using the litter box. She will just do her business in any corner of the house.

your feline litter box is dirty

You can overcome this issue by regularly cleaning her litter box, removing the clumps every alternate day, and using good quality litter that will help you in easy cleaning.

However, it will not only help you to keep the box clean but also remove bad odor from the surroundings.

This will increase the chances of your feline using the litter tray again, as she will get hygienic surroundings to do her business.

2. You Need to Change Your Kitty’s Litter

If in recent times, you have changed your feline’s litter, and she is not liking it, then this can be one of the reasons behind her unusual behavior.

As we know, felines are very particular regarding their things and routine, and even the slightest change can affect them.

So, there is a high probability that she is not liking the new litter, and due to this she avoids using the litter tray and pooping on the floor.

you need to change your kitty's litter

Different types of litter are available in the market, be it in terms of textures, scented, or sizes.

So, it is very important before selecting litter for your kitty to go through the elements.

Whether that litter will be acceptable by your feline pal or not.

You can also do one thing, mix the old litter with the new one. So, that she will get used to it, and once she is completely adjustable with the new one, replace it wholly.

3. She Is Suffering From Health Issues

Another reason why your cat is pooping on the floor?

Could be because she is not well or suffering from severe health issues. Generally, felines avoid using the litter tray when their body is not functioning effectively.

she is suffering from health issues

Medical issues can include thyroid, diabetes, joint pain, tumor, etc.

However, it is advisable to look after your feline and immediately take her to the vet to start the medication without any delay.

Hopefully, after medication, she will be back to her active mood and will start using her litter box and not use the floor for pooping.

4. Litter Box Is Undesirable

One big reason your feline is pooping on the floor, not in the box, could be that she doesn’t like her litter box.

Felines prefer large litter boxes so that they can easily get in and without crawling or adjusting they can do their business peacefully.

Apart from size, its design can also be the reason behind them not liking their litter tray.

litter box is undesirable

As per the survey, it has been observed that many felines like open boxes and easy accessibility rather than a dome or fancy look litter tray.

However, you can solve this problem by buying a simple open low wall litter tray that is easily accessible and has no bad odor issue because it will be open.

5. Trying to Mark Her Territory

Cats mark the territory to signal ownership, they generally mark the object or area when they feel threatened, or stressed.

This is most common when any new member or pet animal is added to the family.

At that moment, felines start feeling insecure and think their demand will decrease. You will not look after her and their importance will be replaced by the new member or pet animal.

trying to mark her territory

So, this can be one of the possible reasons behind your kitty’s unusual behavior of pooping on the floor.

She thinks that marking their territory with poop or urine will help her to warn others to stay away.

6. Your Kitty Is in Stress

Cats are very sensitive creatures, and they often become frustrated by the things going around them or by the people’s presence.

For instance, if you have shifted to a new home or any new pet or family members are added to the family.

Even a slight change in their daily routine can make them stressed out.

your kitty is in stress

In such circumstances, there are chances that your feline can get stressed out.

Out of anxiety, she would just urinate or poop on the floor instead of using the litter box.

You can overcome this issue, by finding out the reason behind her stress. Try to solve it, this will help you to guide your kitty to use the litter box for toiletry.

7. Litter Tray Need to Be Relocated

Another reason why is my cat pooping on the floor?

Could be that your kitty doesn’t like the location of the litter box.

In other words, the feline needs privacy to do her business.

litter tray need to be relocated

So, if you have kept the litter tray in the chaos surrounding where everyone can easily see your feline pal.

Then there are chances that instead of a litter tray, she will poop in any inappropriate area of the house.

To overcome these box issues, all you can do is place your kitty’s litter tray in a low-traffic area. Plus, make sure wherever you keep the box, it should be easily accessible to your feline.

8. Your Feline Is Getting Aged

It could be that your feline is getting aged.

As she gets older, it increases the chance of health issues such as joint pain, thyroid, diabetes, loss of weight, etc.

Due to this, she is no more active and mischievous than she was in her young days.

your feline is getting aged

You can help your kitty in using the litter box by providing her with a simple litter tray, where she doesn’t need to jump to get inside the box.

You can also do one thing, take her near to the box or toilet. In this way, you can help her and also keep your floor tidy.


Hopefully, you enjoyed reading our blog on why is my cat pooping on the floor?

There can be many reasons behind your feline’s unusual behavior. It takes time to identify the correct one.

Our guide will help you to get a clear understanding.

Along with reasons, we have also covered some solutions so that it will make it easy for you to handle the situation smartly.

Here are some friendly tips for you:-

  • Clean your feline’s litter box daily or on alternate days.
  • Try to keep the litter tray in a low-traffic area.
  • Use good quality biodegradable litter.
  • Consult the vet immediately if you observe any severe health symptoms.


  1. Bowel incontinence in cats — VCA Hospitals
  2. Preventing litter box problems — Human Society
  3. Incontinence caused due to stress in cats — Hills Pet

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