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Why Is Your Cat Pacing?

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You woke up in the middle of the night and saw your feline moving aimlessly from one room to another.

Imagine, how scary that can be, especially in the dark.

If this continues on a regular basis, then it is a matter of concern for you.

So before it becomes a more serious issue, let’s check out our blog on why is your cat pacing?

We have done some groundwork for you like listing out possible theories and solutions for you, it will help you to handle the situation wisely.

why is your cat pacing

Theories and Solutions Behind Why Is Your Cat Parading

Felines pace around the house for many reasons. It’s not necessary that they are suffering from illness only.

To find out the answer, we have done some footwork regarding why is your cat pacing?

Scroll down and get insight information regarding possible theories behind this behavior.

We have also penned down some solutions, that will help you to handle the situation wisely.

1. Your Feline Is Getting Aged

Just like humans’ sleep decrease with age, similarly, felines sleep also get reduced with age.

Your feline is getting older, this can be one of the reasons behind her parading around the house at odd times.

your cat is aging

Furthermore, there is a high possibility also that she might be suffering from memory loss, so your cat is pacing and circling from one room to another in search of her bed, and toys.


  • If your feline is suffering from memory disorder then try to keep her all essentials in one place and easily accessible to her, don’t confuse her. In addition, also consult the veterinarian regarding this issue, and if any treatment is possible then start immediately.
  • If she is having a sleep disorder then you can do one thing, spend time with her and try to give her comfort, this may help her to take a short nap.

2. Kitty Might Be Suffering From Dementia

Kitty might be suffering from dementia, that’s why she paces around the whole house even at odd times.

In such cases, they sit in one place and stare in one direction continuously.

It also increases meowing, they stop grooming themselves and look at you in an agitated manner.

your cat might be suffering from dementia


  • All you can do is consult her vet and try to take out some treatment or solution to stop this behavior as soon as possible.

3. She Is Pain

Another reason why is your cat pacing? Can be that she is in pain and couldn’t sleep at night.

She might have injured herself while playing or might get into a fight with another feline and injured her leg, claws anything.

she is in pain

Due to a medical condition, your feline is not able to sleep and pace around the house.

As we know, felines are experts at hiding injuries and pain, so it is advisable to closely observe her.

If you suspect any wound or swelling, then immediately do her dressing, and still, if she is not feeling good then take her to the vet for better treatment.

4. She Is Parading Due to Food Poisoning

Your feline pal might be parading due to ingested toxic ingredients such as sweet pea, day lily, or she might have eaten plants stem and leaves which is dangerous for her health.

Due to the intake of toxins ingredients, she might be suffering from stomach aches, vomiting, nausea, etc.

cat parading due to food poisoning

All you can do is check on her and if you notice any of the above symptoms then immediately take her to the vet and start her treatment.

Because consumption of such toxin/poisonous ingredients might risk her life.

5. Your Kitty Is in Estrous Period

If you observe that your feline is pacing continuously around the house and seems restless.

Plus, she is not spayed or neutered, then there might be a possibility she is in her estrous period/heat cycle and searching for a potential male feline for a mate.

your cat is in estrous period

Female felines often cry like babies if they don’t get to mate when they are in estrous period, and they will keep on searching till they meet their potential supporters.

In such a scenario, you can do one thing, take your feline to the vet and spay or neuter her to solve this issue.

In the future, she will not pace around for a mate.

6. Suffering From Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism can be one of the possible reasons why is your cat pacing.

If she is suffering from over thyroid symptoms, then it’s a high possibility that she moves around the whole house in the night, and her diet will also increase which keeps her hyperactive all day.

cat is suffering from hypothyroidism

In such a situation, you can do one thing, bring her to the vet and start medication soon as possible.

Apart from thyroid symptoms, there are higher chances that she might be suffering from diabetes disease.

7. She Is in Stress/Anxiety

Sometimes out of stress or anxiety also feline moves around the house restlessly.

In other words, if your kitty is feeling nervous about something, there are chances that she will pace from one room to another and do not sit in one place.

These can be because of sudden changes in the house like shifting to a new home, adding or exiting of family member, change in food, litter box issue, etc.

your cat is anxious or stressed

As you know, felines are very particular about their routine, and they can sense even slight changes in their beloved ones.

So, it is advisable to take things slowly.

If you are changing her food habit, do it by mixing old and new ingredients. Spend more time with her in a new place to give her confidence that she is safe, and you have her back.

Especially in senior cats, you will encounter this pacing sign.

8. Due to Boredom

Boredom is something which not only you, in fact, your kitty doesn’t like.

So, if you find your feline pal walking restlessly around the house without any reason on odd hours.

Then this can be one of the possible reasons behind this behavior because cats are more active at dawn and dusk time.

cat pacing due to boredom

To remove her boredom, you can play with her, take her out for a walk, give her favorite toys, or place a cat tree for her.

So, that she can engage herself in activities. These activities will help her feel good and there are chances that she won’t pace more around the home and go back to her bed to have sound sleep.

9. Your Feline Is Expecting

Another reason why is your cat pacing? Could be that she is expecting and suffering from labor pain.

Due to which she is restlessly moving around looking for something which can give her coziness and comfort.

your feline is pregnant

During this tough time, support your feline and consult a vet if you observe that she’s suffering from severe pain and not able to give birth.

Otherwise, you can do one thing, arrange a cozy bed or box for them and give her space so that she can stay there and relax.


Here, we would conclude our blog on why is your cat pacing?

As we discussed earlier, there can be multiple theories behind your cat’s parading behavior.

Such as she might be suffering from pain, anxiety. She may also be pacing around the home due to her older age or suffering from any health issues, etc.

You can overcome this pacing behavior of your feline simply by consulting the vet.

Spend time with her and give her assurance you are with her when she is feeling lonely or low.


  1. How do I know if my cat is in pain? — VCA
  2. What are the causes of pacing and circling in cats? — The Nest
  3. My cat is pacing all night: What’s up? — Cat Health

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