How to Make Cat Litter Last Longer?

This article covers 6 super-cool ways to make cat litter last longer! Cat owners have to make a lot of expensive, and it becomes vital to save some money wherever possible. To be precise, owning a cat can cost you …

How to Clean a Litter Box?

Damn! Why my cat litter box is so dirty and stinks very badly? I don’t know how to clean a litter box; it is too hard. Should I get a covered litter box to hinder the smell? Even after cleaning …

8 Best Homemade Cat Gravy Recipes

Head on to the guide of 8 healthy gravy recipes for cats! Felines are carnivores, and meat is an indispensable requirement in their daily, balanced diet. Our feline friends must eat meat to get the necessary nutrients they need. If …

Can Cats Eat Strawberries?

Can cats eat strawberries? You wondered the same while making a fruit dessert for your guests, suddenly your cat leaped on top of you and ate some strawberries. You were concerned because you had never offered strawberries to your cat! …

Can Cats Eat Egg Yolk?

Can cats eat egg yolk? The short answer is yes. However, Egg Yolk is not recommended as the sole dietary source of protein and fat. Provide your cat with few variations, and it will have excellent health benefits, as egg …