CatSpot Litter Review – The Only Best Coconut Cat Litter
After researching various natural cat litters, we came across the CatSpot Litter and decided to review this unique and organic coconut-based product for your kitty. Several cat parents are switching to natural alternatives instead of using clay for their cat’s …
7 Reasons Why Cats Like Boxes
The relation between cats and boxes is very old, that’s why you won’t find it strange to hear because we all can picture cats resting peacefully in hiding boxes. Cats are naturally drawn to small, confined spaces such as baskets, …
Reasons Why Cats Sneeze? Here Is All You Need to Know
Sneezing is caused by irritation in the nose, and it should not be troublesome. It is rarely a sign of a serious problem. Just like humans, occasional sneezing in cats is normal. There are various reasons why cats sneeze, it …
Why Cats Knock Things Over: Reasons and Solutions
Every so often, house cats can be funny—and strange—furry friends. And since the cats to this day retain some of the exact same instincts that allowed them to grow in the wild for millions of years, their behavior in unusual …
How to Stop Cats From Scratching Furniture?
Scratching is a cat’s normal behavior. We can’t deny the fact, that felines love scratching their claws, sometimes they do it to express their emotions, to remove the dead skin, or to shed old nails, and often it’s just a …
12 Beautiful Ocicat Colors (With Pictures)
The first glimpse of the Ocicat breed will give you a wild look. However, they do not belong to the wild family, they are domestic cats. Ocicats have a domestic temperament, and they are gorgeous, plus energetic breeds. Furthermore, they …
Can Cats Drink Almond Milk?
Have you ever wondered if your kitty can enjoy a sip of almond milk with you? Can cats drink almond milk? Does it add any nutritional benefit to your kitty’s diet? Being a pet parent, it is natural to have …
Cat Has Bite and Scratch Wounds? All You Need to Know
Cats are territorial by nature, fighting is a behavioral response to defend their existing territory. Cat bites marks, the scratch fighting wound, are very common in cats. During catfights, they normally sustain scratches and fight wounds. Cat’s mouth is home …
Can Cats Eat Sweet Potato? Is Sweet Potato Toxic To Cats?
Can cats eat sweet potatoes? What happens if your cat eats some sweet potatoes? Will she die if she eats sweet potato? Are you in the same boat as many other cat parents? Let’s cut the chase the short answer …